

Kyunghyun Park

WithThe App

Kyunghyun Park, CEO of With the App, is an expert in AI and platform development.

  1. Big data processing and artificial intelligence technology
    1.1 Holds a Ph.D. in big data and artificial intelligence related research
    1.2 Deep learning and various latest data mining technologies are available for free utilization
    1.3 AI learning and statistical analysis using various formats of data (structured and unstructured data) using various formats of data (structured and unstructured)
    1.4 If necessary, it is possible to upgrade new technologies, not just utilize existing AI technologies \

  2. Platform Development Management
    2.1 Operating languages: Python, Java, JavaScript (TypeScript), Swi=, Kotlin, ReactJs, React NaCve, Next.js, R, C++, HTML, CSS, ...
    2.2 Operationalize 100+ iOS/Android apps and websites